New Shoes - Introducing our new CEO!


Ellie Rogers is the new CEO at Leeds Gypsy and Traveller Exchange (GATE). Ellie officially took over this role in January 2021 after a handover period with outgoing CEO, Helen Jones.

A reflective blog from Ellie:
I have worked at Leeds GATE for six years, and I love it. I love the people, the values, the mission and the work. After an external recruitment process, the Leeds GATE Executive Board chose me to lead the organisation. I feel honoured and determined to bring everything I have to this role. I am fully committed to our members, their wellbeing and safety, and ensure Leeds GATE is a place where everyone can thrive.  

As part of my induction into my new role, I have been reading about what CEO’s should do in your first 100 days, and there was a quote that stood out for me: 

“People say to me ‘You’ve got big shoes to fill’ and I responded ‘I’m not trying to fill anyone else’s shoes… I’m wearing my own.’ ”  - Quote from ACEVO. ‘The Chief Executives first 100 days

I take over this role from an amazing woman, Helen Jones, who served Leeds GATE for 18 years! Helen was my manager, my mentor and did brilliant work during her time with Leeds GATE. Much of the values and culture she embedded within the organisation, we will carry proudly forward. But I am now the CEO, I’m wearing my own shoes, and I must make my own decisions and plans for our organisations' future with our membership.  

People might wonder what this new chapter will mean for Leeds GATE? – what are these new shoes like, and how will things be different? So I thought I’d tell you a bit more about myself and how I got here.

My shoes are from Hull – I am a proud northerner with love for the sea, and I have been extremely grateful to call Hull my hometown. The care, community and pride of the city is something I admire. I was brought up in a church community, and my Mum has always nurtured the campaigner in me. My Mum is a woman of deep faith, and with the strongest moral compass, I know. As kids, she would always keep my brothers and me aware of and taking action on all sorts of social justice issues– from poverty in our own communities to dropping international debt. I bring this passion and experience to my work against racism and in the fight for equality for Gypsies and Travellers.  

I grew up in a home affected by mental health, my Mum has bipolar and spent time in the hospital when I was young. As a family, we were used to being around people who were struggling with their mental health. Throughout my life, I have witnessed the devastating impact a lack of mental health care can have on a person and their surrounding family. These experiences led to my passion and belief today - that every human deserves access to quality and normalising mental health support.

I went to the University of Cambridge when I was 18 and studied Theology; it was another world and one I never really got used to. As a working-class girl with a northern accent, I felt othered and struggled to step into my academic confidence. I have deep empathy for Gypsies and Travellers at university who face so many more barriers than I did. I did learn loads at Uni though – about myself, who I wanted to be in the world, how to research, write and present ideas and issues. I have carried these skills with me in my working life. They help me be an excellent fundraiser, project manager and communicate complex ideas to different audiences.  

I started working in the voluntary sector in Leeds in my early twenties and have done various jobs focused around community development and mental health. I’ve never worked anywhere like Leeds GATE though – more than anywhere else I’ve worked, Leeds GATE ‘walks the walk’ not ‘just talks the talk’.

My vision and the new direction for Leeds GATE will be built in collaboration with our members; it will be our vision. Obviously, I have a good idea of what we will be working on in the short term; Leeds GATE will continue to work with our members navigating the challenges brought about by coronavirus, including practical support, mental health work & digital inclusion. During my first chapter as CEO, I am also focusing on listening to our members and stakeholders. I want to listen and understand what our members want to see in the future of Leeds GATE.

My primary commitment as a leader at Leeds GATE is to help other people step into their shoes confidently. I am committed to creating an empowering and safe environment where our members, Gypsy Traveller staff, our wider staff team and supporters can flourish and bring about change.

It is my ambition that when I hang up my CEO shoes in the future, one of our members puts theirs on.