For Parents and Carers: Help with Learning and Fun
With the schools closed and everyone staying at home, we’ve got to find something for the kids to do. We also don’t want them to drop back on the learning they have achieved. Grace has found a really useful website which she recommends for young people and adults (so no excuse for you big ‘uns!) If you haven’t got a printer at home the website will post things out to you at a cost of £2. Check it out.
Here’s a few ways to keep 5 to 7 year olds learning about science with things that it should be possible to get your hands on.
For bigger kids there are some really helpful website to make keeping up with Maths and Science easier. You need an email address to sign up with but it is completely free.
Here’s some things you can do with little kids
Check out the Romani Cultural and Arts Company youtube page. There is fantastic resources here for sharing ideas about culture and identity with your family.
Fun isn’t just for the kids! Gypsies and Travellers are getting busy sharing knowledge and skills. How about sharing some of your skills with us? Send us a film of what you enjoy doing to share with others.
Don’t want to miss out on your reading lessons. You can have your reading lessons with Angela while the office is closed via video calls.
Angela is busy making homework workpacks for your kids and young people. We’re going to do this through something called google classrooms. If you haven’t worked with Angela before she’ll arrange a phone call to find out which sessions are best for you.
To access these you need to email
If you need help setting up an email address click the button to ring Grace